Wednesday, September 10, 2008


Victim Support is a national charity that supports people, families and friends affected by crime. We offer emotional and practical help and information.


Following any crime, victims will receive a telephone call from a Victim Care Officer, and then often choose to speak at greater length with one of our specifically trained volunteers.

We are now actively seeking volunteers to support people affected by Domestic Abuse and Sexual Assaults within the Kent area.

Our training courses will give you the skills to offer information and emotional support to women and men who have been raped or sexually assaulted, or who are living with domestic abuse and trying to come to terms with a violent partner. You will help the “survivor” talk through what they may want to do following the attack or incident they have suffered.

Domestic abuse involves physical and sexual violence, verbal, emotional or financial abuse between adults who are or have been in an intimate relationship with each other, or are family members, or men and women in same-gender relationships, irrespective of age or culture.

Being raped or sexually assaulted is a very distressing experience and the effects may be emotional and physical, and long-lasting. In time, many people do come to terms with their experience, particularly if they have been offered appropriate support. Survivor’s can find it difficult to talk to a member of their family or friends, and often speaking to someone she/he does not know will be easier.

So if you are a good listener, can empathise, are compassionate and non-judgemental, and willing to give some of your time to help, please call one of our Volunteer & Community Managers and we will be happy to discuss your application to become part of a team to support victims of crime.

Canterbury, Thanet & SE Kent – 01233 618001
Medway & Gravesend – 01233 618002
Ashford, Maidstone & Swale – 01233 618003
West Kent & Dartford – 01233 618004

Unfortunately we are unable to accept applications from people who are currently living with domestic abuse, or who have experienced domestic abuse or another life changing event in the last two years, such as rape or a bereavement. If you would like support from us, please phone one of our Victim Care Officers on 0845 3899 527.