Crime victims details are passed to Victim Support from the Police, with the help and support of the Area Crime management Units. This requires that each victim is asked if they wish to get help and then that the details are passed on.
As is well known Kent Police Officers do a difficult and risky job and in addition face a lot of bureaucracy in their day-to-day work.
Asking each possible client if they would like their details to be passed to Victim Support adds to the daily burden.
However, if this process does not work then thousands of victims are left potentially without the help and support they need.
Kent Police give us their daily support in this and in doing so are making a real difference to the lives of victims and witnesses.
Highly trained volunteers offer those victims three main kinds of support. Emotional support to help deal with the personal effects of crime, information to make better choices and practical help which can range from form filling to lock fitting as well as support in court and preparing to be a witness.
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